HD Migration Overview
You will be assigned a new Voyager Account Code, which we'd appreciate you use when calling up our team. But our team can still search by your old account code if needed.
You’ll start receiving a new look, Voyager branded invoice. Your billing period will remain the same. You'll continue to be charged the same amount for your services, and for the same billing period. But rather than being invoiced 28 days in advance, we'll invoice you at the start of the period, with payment due 14 days later.
Existing payment arrangements remain in place.
- Automatic payment arrangements will be automatically forwarded to our bank account.
- Credit Card payment arrangements will continue and be charged 10 days after the invoice date.
- Manual payments and new payment arrangements will need to be updated to our bank account– Voyager Internet 12-3221-0092790-00.
Our Bank account details and information on how to pay will be included on your new invoice.
As part of the migration, your account will be moved on to our standard terms and conditions. Since this variation affects your regular monthly invoice cycle, we are providing you with HD Net’s required 30-days’ notice of this change. A copy of Voyager’s Terms & Conditions can be found here.
Your current broadband plan and pricing remains unchanged, except for those that may happen to be paying more than Voyager’s standard rates. If this is the case, your monthly charge will be reduced to align with Voyager’s standard pricing. Standard Voyager rates will apply on any subsequent broadband service change or move address. You can view Voyager’s home broadband rates and plans here.
Username and Password
Your existing broadband username and password remains unchanged.
Static IP
If you currently have a static IP service included in your subscription, details of your new Static IP address will be communicated to you well ahead of any change.
Don’t worry, the changeover will be simple and there will be minimal disruption to your service. Most likely, you won’t even notice the change - other than Voyager’s awesome speeds! Some may experience a brief loss of connectivity for a few minutes whilst your service is transferred to the Voyager network.
Here's what you can expect:
In the coming weeks, our team will be in touch when we’re ready to start planning to move your services over to Voyager.
- You’ll receive an initial notification to let you know we’ve started planning your migration.
- Approx. 24-48 hrs later, we’ll send another notification confirming your planned migration date. This notification will also include details of your new Static IP address, if you subscribe to one currently. Actual planned migration dates will be approximately 5 business days from this point, 10 days if you have a Static IP.
- On the planned migration date, your service will drop briefly, as it switches over to the Voyager Network, and then resume connectivity within a few minutes.
- If you have a static IP, you will need to be prepared to update any configuration with the new Static IP address one once connectivity resumes.
- You’ll then receive a third notification to confirm that your migration is complete.
- If you also have a VoIP service, we’ll be in touch within 1-2 days to assist you with those configuration changes.
Your current VoIP phone pricing remains unchanged. Voyager’s VoIP lines include free national calling and free voicemail, and you’ll also have access to Voyager’s competitive calling rates and bundles. You can view Voyager’s Voice Rates here.
Voicemail comes free with all our VoIP lines so if you don’t currently have voicemail, we’ll provide details on how to set this up.
If you currently have a voicemail service with HD this will become free with Voyager. We’ll need to migrate you over to our voicemail platform, but we’ll contact you directly to assist setting this up. We can bring across your existing recorded greetings and any voicemail messages you wish to keep can be exported for you.
SIP Credentials (Username and Password)
New SIP registration credentials will be included in the confirmation of your planned migration date notification.
Don’t worry about making any changes to your VOIP configuration yet. We will contact you directly to assist in reconfiguring this and confirm it is all working correctly. Your VOIP service will continue to work as it is.
Frequently Asked Questions
We recently emailed all customers who are due to be migrated. Please see below answers to frequently asked questions regarding the migration.
HD Net has been acquired by Voyager Internet. Voyager has been providing internet, phone, hosting, and domain services to thousands of happy customers across New Zealand since its establishment. Taking pride in providing a quality, homegrown Kiwi service, Voyager’s philosophy stresses the importance of an excellent customer experience. It is this common philosophy and focus on the customer that has brought HD Net and Voyager together, making them a natural fit.
In the coming weeks, we will be making some changes in the background to move your account and services over to Voyager. Don’t worry, the changeover will be simple and there will be minimal disruption to your service. Most likely, you won’t even notice the change - other than Voyager’s awesome speeds! Some may experience a brief loss of connectivity for a few minutes whilst your service is transferred to the Voyager network, but you will receive emails along the way advising you of the status of your service transfer.
Unfortunately, the existing HD Customer Portal access will not integrate with our systems and will be discontinued. Voyager is currently developing a Customer Portal, due to be released late 2020. In the interim, our support team can assist with all your needs.
Your current Broadband plan and pricing remains unchanged. If you happen to be paying more than our standard rates, we’ll reduce your monthly charge to align with our standard pricing. Standard Voyager rates will apply on any subsequent changes.
Your current VOIP Phone pricing remains unchanged. Our VOIP line come with free National calling and free voicemail. You’ll also get access to our competitive calling rates and bundles. You can view Voyager’s Voice Rates here
Additional Calling Bundles
100 NZ Mobile Minutes |
$10/month |
200 NZ Mobile Minutes |
$18/month |
500 NZ Mobile Minutes |
$40/month |
100 International Minutes |
$10/month |
200 International Minutes |
$18/month |
500 International Minutes |
$40/month |
International calling bundles apply to calls to our 40 most-called destinations. You can see the full list of included destinations here.
Your invoice will now show itemised service charges at our standard Voyager rates. This will be accompanied with a discount line item to off-set our standard rates to honour your current pricing.
Example below:

Standard Voyager rates will apply on any subsequent broadband service change or move address. You can view Voyager’s home broadband rates and plans here
You will be assigned a new Voyager Account Code, which we'd appreciate you use when calling up our team. But our team can still search by your old account code if needed.
You will receive a new look, Voyager branded invoice
Invoicing cycles will change to align with the Voyager invoicing cycle (so you won't receive an invoice this month - yay!).
- HD invoice cycle: invoices are sent 28 days prior to the first day of the billing period, with payment due on the first day of that billing period.
- Voyager invoice cycle: invoices are sent on the first day of the billing period, with payment due on the 14th day of the billing period.
- Automatic Payment arrangements will be automatically forwarded to our bank account.
- Credit Card Payment arrangements will continue and be charged 10 days after the invoice date.
- Manual payments and any new payment methods will need to be updated. Details of our account will be included on your invoice.
- We also offer Direct Debit as a payment option. You can register for this once you receive your first invoice from us.
Your existing broadband username & password remains unchanged.
If you currently have a static IP service included in your subscription, details of your new Static IP address will be communicated to you well ahead of the planned change.
If you currently have a VOIP service included in your subscription, we will contact you directly to assist in reconfiguring this so we can confirm it’s all working and has migrated over successfully. Your VOIP service will continue to work as normal until then.
Voicemail comes free with all our VOIP lines. We’ll provide you with instructions on how to set this up when we migrate your VOIP service to Voyager. If you currently have a Voicemail service with HD included in your subscription, we will contact you directly to assist in reconfiguring this so we can confirm it’s all working and has migrated over successfully. This will also be included free with your VOIP line once migrated to Voyager.
Until your migration commences you continue to contact the HD Team on 09 280 4135 (Auckland), 04 974 8139 (Wellington), 03 281 8106 (Christchurch) or email [email protected].
We’ll confirm once we start planning migration of your services and from there you will contact the Voyager Team, available from 8am-10pm, seven days a week. You can ring 0800 4 SPEED or email [email protected].