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Terms & Conditions

Virtual Data Centre - Terms and Conditions

Virtual Data Centre Terms

By using this Service, you agree to the terms set out below, which are specific to your Voyager Virtual Data Centre (“VDC”) service and apply in addition to the Standard Terms and Conditions (located here: If there is any inconsistency between these terms and our Standard Terms & Conditions, then these Specific terms shall prevail.

Other terms that may apply:

Other applicable Voyager policy may also apply to your use of our services. If so, they will be specifically referenced in these or our Standard Terms and Conditions. Pricing is subject to change at any time during the term of this contract.

1. Services Provided

Voyager provides cloud computing infrastructure that allows customers to deploy and manage virtual machines, networking, and storage resources. Our services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, with no warranties beyond those explicitly stated.

The Customer represents and warrants that the Customer has or has access to the knowledge and expertise necessary to configure, maintain, monitor, and secure virtual machines. Except with respect to the use or configuration of the VDC instance, Voyager does not provide phone or email support or other technical assistance for the administration of virtual machines or otherwise related to virtual machine services.

2. Fees

Fees for VDC services shall be charged in accordance with the schedule of fees. Published fees include initial set up and installation services as set by Voyager and are non-refundable.

3. Usage & Security

Voyager takes its role as a responsible internet service provider seriously and so have certain expectations of you as both a customer and a “good netizen”. These expectations include, but are not limited to:

As we have no control over the information you may access via the internet, we are not responsible for any information you obtain that is illegal or offensive. Nor are we liable for any malware or harmful code you may download or upload via the internet.

Voyager can, at our discretion, restrict or disconnect you if we consider that you are using our services in a manner that may damage or compromise the security of our network or anyone else’s network.

Except with respect to issues concerning the physical security of Voyager’s data centre facilities, the Customer agrees that the security of the VDC instance, virtual machines, and all services is solely Customer’s responsibility. It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to maintain data backups and update security software on the virtual machines. Under no circumstance will Voyager be held liable for data loss, security breaches, and damage caused by the Customer’s failure to maintain data backups, update the security software, or to maintain adequate security protocols in the administration of the virtual machines.

4. Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The Virtual Data Centre SLA will apply to the use of the VDC if the Customer is not in breach of this Service Agreement, and all fees relating to the use of the VDC are paid in full and up to date.

Voyager’s Virtual Data Centre Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be viewed at the following URL:

5. Termination of Service

Either party can terminate this Service Agreement upon 30 days written notice prior to the end of the current billing period. If the Customer terminates this agreement all fees, totalling the balance remaining of any contracted period will be due immediately. Voyager reserves the right to terminate this contract without notice at the sole discretion of Voyager for the violation of any Terms and Conditions or of the Voyager Standard Business Terms and Conditions. Voyager may deny the Customer access to a VDC instance or virtual machine without notice if Customer engages in any conduct or activities that Voyager in its sole discretion believes to be in violation of any of the Terms and Conditions. Voyager shall have no responsibility to notify any third-party providers of services, merchandise, or information, nor any responsibility for any consequences resulting from such discontinuance or lack of notification. .

6. Amendment

Voyager may without advance notice amend this Service Agreement from time to time, and will do so by posting the new Agreement on the Voyager website in place of the old. Each and every such amendment shall be become effective immediately for all pre-existing and future accounts. It is the Customer’s responsibility to periodically check the Voyager website for updates of this Service Agreement.